Nigeria Borrows To Pay Public Workers

Officials said on wednesday that a cash shortage caused by low oil prices has forced the nation to burrow heavily through early 2015 with the government striving to pay public workers.
Nigeria's finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo Iweala said
"We have serious challenges, things have been tough since the beginning of the year" she also mentioned that over half of Nigeria's borrowing allowance has been exhausted already.
 Nigeria has been hammered by 50% fall in oil prices being that crude oil accounts for 70% of government revenue.
The finance minister said the federal government had a projected borrowing allowance for 2015 of  882 billion Naira( $4.4billion, 4 billion euros), but has already used up 473 billion Naira to meet up recurrent expenditures which includes the salaries of public employees.

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